
Thriving Through Winter: Tips for Embracing the Season and Overcoming the Winter Blues
As the days grow shorter and colder, many of us may find ourselves struggling with the "winter blues" or seasonal affective disorder

Secrets of Happiness from Denmark
Denmark consistently ranks at the top of the World Happiness Report as one of the happiest countries in the world. So, what’s their secret and what can we learn from them to “upgrade” our level of happiness?

Vegan Chocolate Cake
This simple and healthy cake can be enjoyed by vegans, or not. You’ll love it!

“Pause. Breathe. Here, now.”
Pain is unpleasant, often unbearable. No one wants to be in pain. Many times though, pain protects you; it alerts you to take care of yourself before you get injured

Noticing the good and feeling grateful
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to notice what’s not working, what’s wrong, and what you wish it were different, based on comparisons?

Story: The crack on the vase
This is a beautiful story reminding us that everyone has been through difficulties, most of which have caused wounds…

Mindfulness as an antidote to burnout
The World Health Organization recently included “burnout” in its International Classification of Diseases, calling it an “occupational phenomenon” resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

Poem: The Guest House
This poem must be one of the most recited in mindfulness retreats and courses around the world. It is one of my favorite ones, and it sums up my experience with mindfulness. It’s about life, it’s about ourselves.

Our Body, Our Home
Let’s admit this: most of the time we inhabit our minds and not our bodies. We like to spend time and be carried away by our thoughts, and we tend to ignore the place we live in -unless we feel pain or discomfort

Recipe: The best of granola
If you’re looking for a healthy homemade granola with zero sugar, then this is it! It’s crispy and crunchy, it gives you the healthy fats, protein and energy you need.

We deserve to be kinder to ourselves
Our Western culture gives emphasis on achievement, and we believe that if we judge ourselves harshly and find flaws in what we say, do, look like etc., only then we can become better.

Juicing vs Blending. Which one is best for you?
Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Benefits are numerous, including lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke