Mindful Eating
Cultivate your Inner Gourmet and give yourself permission to choose and enjoy the foods you love by gaining powerful insights on how to handle food choices.
Mindful Eating isn’t about forcing yourself to stop eating although you still want to continue, but rather about self-regulation, self-nourishment, and self-care.
During our sessions, we will experience a series of practices on paying attention to the sensations of hunger, fullness, taste satisfaction, and body satiety, and also practices of compassion, forgiveness, and listening to emotions so that we get closer to ourselves and cultivate a more loving and balanced relationship with our body. At the end of this training participants may lose some weight, but what’s important is that their struggle greatly diminishes, they no longer battle for food, are better able to balance their eating, eat mindfully and experience the true culinary joy and satisfaction.
MB-EAT Program
DURATION: 8 weeks with a meeting of 2hr15m per week, plus a day of retreat between weeks 6 and 7. One 2-hour follow up session, 5 weeks after the end of the 8 weeks.
FEE: €300
LOCATION: Online (via Zoom)
WHEN: 2024
Start: Contact the teacher
Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT) was developed by Jean Kristeller PhD, a clinical psychologist who has worked for more than 30 years in the area of obesity, eating disorders, and therapeutic use of meditation. It is the most research-funded program of its kind by the NIH in the USA.
Consciously paying attention to your experience with eating and food, without judgment
Becoming aware of each moment, both internally (your thoughts, emotions, hunger, flavor, fullness) and externally (nutritional value of various foods)
Appreciating the difference between physical hunger and other triggers for eating, such as emotions, thoughts, and social pressures
Choosing to eat foods that you actually enjoy and that nourish your body
Experiencing the flavor of a food as it shifts and evolves from one bite to the next
Noticing how fullness develops in your stomach and how you feel once you’ve eaten enough
Using information about the nutritional value and energy of food to meet your personal needs and inform choices of what and how much to eat
Eating the foods you love with mindfulness using all your senses
Becoming aware of how and why you eat, and not just what you eat
Being aware of your body’s signs that guide the decision on when and how much to eat
Learn to better manage emotions, stress, or boredom instead of eating
When you embark on this journey, you are not going on a diet. Rather you are creating and staying with a new wiser way of relating to food, to eating, to yourself, and to your body.
Want to know more? Click here to contact me.